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How Much Exercise Does a Dog Need Every Day?

To maintain a healthy canine companion, it’s essential not only to feed them a nutritious diet and ensure regular check-ups with the vet, but also to give them sufficient exercise. Your dog’s physical activity is instrumental in keeping their muscles toned, their metabolism humming, their mind sharp, and even their behavior in check. But how much exercise is “enough”?

The Factors that Determine Exercise Needs

Every dog is unique, and so are their exercise requirements. The amount and type of physical activity your dog needs can be influenced by the following: 

  • Breed: Some breeds are more energetic and require more exercise. For instance, larger breeds like retrievers and shepherds demand more active hours, whereas toy breeds like Maltese may be content with less. 
  • Age: Puppies and younger dogs usually have more energy to burn than older canines. 
  • Size and Body Type: Beyond breed, a dog’s size and body build can influence how much activity they need. Brachycephalic breeds, with their flat faces (like pugs and bulldogs), might have a reduced capacity for strenuous exercise due to breathing challenges.
  • Overall Health: Dogs with health issues may have restricted or specific exercise needs.

A General Exercise Guideline

Though individual needs may vary, a common rule is that dogs should indulge in physical activity for a duration ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours daily. Remember, merely letting them out in the yard isn’t usually enough. Without engagement or a playmate, most dogs won’t actively exercise independently for the necessary duration.

How to Get Your Dog Moving

  • Walks and Runs: A simple yet effective method. Not only does it benefit your dog, but it’s great for the pet parent, too!
  • Hiking: This activity is excellent, especially for breeds that love exploring.
  • Fetch: Whether in your backyard or a park, a game of fetch can get your dog’s heart rate up.
  • Dog Parks or Beaches: Let your dog socialize and play with other canines.
  • Agility Courses: A fun way to stimulate both their mind and body.
  • For Large Breed Puppies: It’s crucial to remember that while they might have boundless energy, their bones, and joints are still developing. Avoid over-exerting them until they’re fully grown.

Consequences of Not Exercising Your Dog

Depriving your dog of their essential exercise can lead to more than just weight gain. Inactivity can foster anxiety, especially in larger breeds, resulting in unwanted behaviors such as excessive barking, digging, or destructive habits. A famous saying among dog enthusiasts and trainers is, “A tired dog is a good dog.” Keeping them active ensures their physical health and a balanced and calm demeanor.


Your furry friend depends on you for their well-being. Just as you ensure they eat well and stay healthy, it’s equally crucial to ensure they’re active and engaged. Tune into their unique needs and have a happy, healthy companion.

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